Haiti Report Back – May 11th
Saturday, May 11 3-5 pm 518 Valencia Street, San Francisco (2 blocks from 16th Street BART, 14, 49 and 22 Muni lines) $10-20 / no one turned away A delegation…
Saturday, May 11 3-5 pm 518 Valencia Street, San Francisco (2 blocks from 16th Street BART, 14, 49 and 22 Muni lines) $10-20 / no one turned away A delegation…
Victims and survivors of the November 2018 massacre in Lasalin speak to a delegation of Haiti solidarity activists from the Bay Area/California. The interview was conducted and recorded by Margaret…
Malonga Center Theater, 1428 Alice Street, Oakland Bay Area Artists Extravaganza to benefit Haiti Emergency Relief Fund. Saturday, March 23 at the Malonga Center Theater, 1428 Alice Street at 14th…
The United Nations, along with the United States and Canada, trains and supervises the murderous Haitian police and oversees Haiti's horrendous prisons where beatings, torture and killings are routine. Condemn…
By Robert Roth This article was written in August, 2018. In the months that have followed, large-scale demonstrations broke out against the ruling elite’s theft of Petrocaribe funds, earmarked to lower…
The spark that lit the most recent rebellion was an announcement by the Haitian Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafontant that gas, diesel and kerosene prices would be raised by 38-51%.…