• Post category:News

by Pierre Labossiere

This is to bring to your attention some recent developments regarding the current situation in Haiti. Please see the February 2nd , 2025, press release from Fanmi Lavalas Political Organization at: https://haitisolidarity.net/fanmi-lavalas-statement-feb-2-2025/  

As the people of Haiti continue their struggle to establish a democratic and sovereign government that stands for their interests and addresses their needs, they are subjected to violent repression by a corrupt, tyrannical system that is reinforced by the 21-year-old US/UN occupation. The recent arrests of current and former Haitian government officials, from the neo-Duvalierist PHTK party created by the US in 2010 and its affiliates, revealed the use of Haitian taxpayer money to fund and direct death squad gangs’ terror.

In addition to burning down homes, small businesses and farms of the population most of whom are already impoverished, the notorious coalition of death squad gangs known as Viv Ansanm, led by Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier, has also focused on setting fire to schools, hospitals and pharmacies that serve the population. The most recent being the February 13 burning of “Hopital General”, the main public hospital in Port-au-Prince that was scheduled to re-open after renovations.

The growing list of unspeakable atrocities, kidnappings for profit, gang-rapes, organ trafficking, and mass killings to terrorize residents of urban and rural communities, includes the recent massacres in the rural community of Kenskof (Kenscoff), in the mountains overlooking Port-au-Prince. Over 150 women, children and men were reported to have been killed by the Viv Ansanm criminals starting in late January 2025 and continuing.  As more reports about this massacre are coming to light, the story below ** of the young mother, Eliana Telemaque, forced to watch the horrible murder of her 2-month-old baby, burned alive, is adding to the national grief and outrage.

Thank you for your solidarity with the people of Haiti as they struggle for justice for the victims, peace and well-being for all in a liberated and sovereign Haiti.

** Kenscoff Massacre: Eliana Thelemaque Dies After Tragic Death of Her Two-Month-Old Baby

Pétion-Ville, February 15, 2025. This young mother left [this life] to join her son, a two-month-old infant, shortly after witnessing his tragic death. She saw her infant child ripped from her arms and thrown into the flames by armed men. Since then, she has suffered from obvious psychological problems, constantly reliving the unbearable scene. “I can still hear his screams,” she reportedly confided to the witnesses who took her in. The [baby] was, in fact, torn from his mother’s arms and then thrown alive into the fire. The young woman could not live with this memory. She wandered around for two weeks before being found, very weakened, on Friday, February 14, in Delmas 103. Charitable souls took her to the police station in Pétion-Ville where she finally died.
“But Eliana is not an isolated case. In the displaced persons camps, hundreds of other victims of urban violence live in inhumane conditions, fleeing areas under the control of armed groups. Women, children, elderly people: all survive in oblivion, under the indifferent gaze of the authorities.Beyond the sporadic distributions of food and hygiene kits in the accommodation sites, these survivors need concrete support: medical care, psychological support, social rehabilitation. Eliana’s tragic story reveals a glaring humanitarian emergency that can no longer be ignored.” -Evens Nelson