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KPFA Hard Knock Radio’s Davey D speaks with Pierre Labossiere, co-founder of Haiti Action Committee, about the latest attacks on Haitian refugees in Springfield, Ohio. Listen as Pierre reflects on the history of dehumanization of Haitians starting with the Haitian Revolution when kidnapped enslaved Africans rose up and broke their chains, establishing the first Black Republic. At that time, Thomas Jefferson – who spoke about freedom, liberty and independence while amassing a fortune on the backs of enslaved black people – referred to newly liberated Haitians as “pests” who had to be confined to Haiti. Pierre continues by pointing out when we look further back, that the term “savage” was used to justify the enslavement of black people. Later, when US Marines invaded Haiti in 1915, they used similar terms while they stole our gold from the national treasury and militarily occupied our country for 19 years. So this is nothing new – this is part of a continuing active racist ideology to dehumanize our people – African people, black people – and destroy our humanity. Starts at 5:30 minutes