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Haiti Action Committee


*Protest the Next Day If The UN Security Council Authorizes Another Military Invasion of Haiti!

In the SF/Bay Area come join the protest at the SF Federal Bldg, 90-7th Street, San Francisco, time TBA

*Take Action Now To Stop The Invasion!


UN Secretary-General António Guterres Twitter: @antonioguterres Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General (212) 963-7160

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken Tweet: @SecBlinken Phone: (202) 456-1111; (202) 647-4000 Email: https://register.state.gov/contactus/contactusform

President of the Republic of Kenya and Commander-in-Chief of the Defense Forces William Ruto, PhD, CGH Phone: (202) 387-6101 Tweet: @WilliamsRuto @KenyaembassyDC Email: [email protected] or [email protected]


  • Stop supporting the Ariel Henry dictatorship. 
  • No to another US/UN/foreign military intervention in Haiti. 
  • No more arms shipments from the US to Haiti. 
  • Stop funding the brutal Haitian police. 

Yes to democracy. Respect for human rights and Haitian sovereignty!   

Hashtags: StandwithHaiti, AlloutforHaiti, USstopfundingmassacresinHaiti, Notoforeignintervention, SupportHumanrights, SupportDemocracy, US/UNOutofHaiti, NotanotherinvasionofHaiti

Background: Haiti is back in the headlines. As the US, UN and their international accomplices continue their reckless interventionist policies in Haiti, the crisis deepens. 200,000 Haitians have been displaced by paramilitary gang violence, 2500 have been killed this year and a thousand more have been kidnapped. Almost half the population is facing starvation. 

Who are the paramilitaries who have overrun Haiti, terrorizing the people with house burnings, kidnappings, rape and murder? They are the outcome of two decades of US/UN/foreign intervention and destabilization of Haitian society that began with the 2004 armed overthrow of the democratic progressive government of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. These death squads are the henchmen of a series of unelected puppet governments put in place by the US after the coup – governments headed by corrupt Haitian officials willing to prioritize foreign profits over the lives of their own people. 

Why is foreign military invasion not the answer? Because the US cannot fix what it has broken – the arsonists cannot put out the fire. Haiti has had enough of foreign invaders with military troops seizing land, resources, and labor to benefit themselves while conducting armed assaults against the population, undermining Haitian institutions and spreading sexual violence and cholera in their path. Rather than respecting the will of the people by withdrawing support for the unpopular right-wing regime, the US is doubling down, pressuring the UN Security Council to authorize more occupation, militarism and invasion. They have enlisted the government of Kenya to help do their dirty work by fronting a new invasion. They are determined to prop up the government they imposed on Haiti. 

The solution put forth by the majority of Haitian people is an end to US/UN support for the illegitimate, unpopular PHTK regime. Broad sectors of Haitian civil society propose a transitional government of their own choosing to guarantee security, enable people to return to homes, school and work, and plan for future elections. 

All Out For Haiti!